Stres Üriner İnkontinans Tedavisinde Tension Free Vaginal Tape Yöntemi Ve Transobturator Yaklaşimlarin Karşilaştirilmasi Comparison Of Tension Free Vaginal Tape Method And Transobturator Approaches In The Treatment Of Stress Urinary Incontinence

Stress urinary incontinence is defined as the complaint of involuntary urine leakage on effort or exertion or on sneezing or coughing without rise in detrusor pressure. Tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) is a standard minimally invasive procedure used to treat urinary stress incontinence since 1995. In2001, a new method of inserting the tape called transobturator tape (TOT), which passes through the obturator foramen, thus theoretically avoiding some of the complications of TVT such as bladder perforation. In 2003 a modified technique, termed the tension-free vaginal tape obturator route (TVT-O) was defined. With the TVT-Otechnique, the needle is passed in a reverse route of TOT technique, i.e. in through vaginal incision and out through the obturator foramen (inside–out). The aims of this study were to systematically review the existing literature comparing retropubic and transobturator approaches to midurethral slings for stress urinary incontinence, and to compare outcomes and complications.
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