Modelling, Simulations and Analysis of the First COVID-19 Epidemic in Shanghai

To date, over 178 million people on infected with COVID-19. It causes more 3.8 millions deaths. Based on a previous symptomatic-asymptomatic-recoverer-dead differential equation model (SARDDE) and the clinic data of the first COVID-19 epidemic in Shanghai, this paper determines the parameters of SARDDE. Numerical simulations of SARDDE describe well the outcomes of current symptomatic individuals, recovered symptomatic individuals, and died individuals, respectively. The numerical simulations suggest that both symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals cause lesser asymptomatic spread than symptomatic spread; blocking rate of about 95.5% cannot prevent the spread of the COVID19 epidemic in Shanghai. The strict prevention and control strategies implemented by Shanghai government is not only very effective but also completely necessary. The numerical simulations suggest also that using the data from the beginning to the day after about 19 days at the turning point can estimate well the following outcomes of the COVID-19 academic. It is expected that the research can provide better understanding, explaining, and dominating for epidemic spreads, prevention and control measures.
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