Copy number variants in clinical WGS: deployment and interpretation for rare and undiagnosed disease

Purpose: Current diagnostic testing for genetic disorders involves serial use of specialized assays spanning multiple technologies. In principle, whole genome sequencing (WGS) has the potential to detect all genomic mutation types on a single platform and workflow. Here we sought to evaluate copy number variant (CNV) calling as part of a clinically accredited WGS test. Methods: Using a depth-based copy number caller we performed analytical validation of CNV calling on a reference panel of 17 samples, compared the sensitivity of WGS-based variants to those from a clinical microarray, and set a bound on precision using orthogonal technologies. We developed a protocol for family-based analysis, annotation, filtering, visualization of WGS based CNV calls, and deployed this across a clinical cohort of 79 rare and undiagnosed cases. Results: We found that CNV calls from WGS are at least as sensitive as those from microarrays, while only creating a modest increase in the number of variants interpreted (~10 CNVs per case). We identified clinically significant CNVs in 15% of the first 79 cases analyzed. This pipeline also enabled identification of cases of uniparental disomy (UPD) and a 50% mosaic trisomy 14. Directed analysis of some CNVs enabled break-point level resolution of genomic rearrangements and phasing of de-novo CNVs. Conclusion: Robust identification of CNVs by WGS is possible within a clinical testing environment, and further developments will bring improvements in resolution of smaller and more complex CNVs.
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