Turk aileleri cocuk yetistirirken interneti etkin kullanabiliyorlar mi? OZET Amac: Internet diger bircok alanda oldugu gibi saglik alaninda da yasamimizin onemli bir parcasi haline geldi. Ailelerin cocuklarla ilgili konulardaki internet kullanim aliskanliklarini degerlendirmeyi amacladik. Yontem: Bu calisma Mart 2017-Temmuz 2017 tarihleri arasinda, pediatri poliklinigine basvuran, 18 yasin altindaki cocuklarin ebeveynleri tarafindan doldurulmus bir anket formu kullanilarak yapilmistir. Bulgular: 489 katilimcinin ortanca yasi 32 idi. Cocuklari 6 yasindan kucuk olan aileler cogunlukla (% 57.8) internette buyume ve gelisme konusunda arama yaptiklarini belirtirken, 6-12 yaslari arasinda ve 12 yasindan buyuk cocugu olan aileler ise cogunlukla internette okul basarisi ile ilgili bilgiler hakkinda arama yaptiklarini belirtmislerdir (sirasiyla% 44.7 ve% 58.2). Katilimcilarin% 87,5'i cocuklarini bir saglik merkezine goturmeden once problemleri hakkinda internette arama yaptiklarini ve yaridan fazlasi (% 56,6) konu hakkinda internetten elde ettikleri bilgileri yararsiz bulduklarini ya da kararsiz kaldiklarini belirtmislerdir. Sonuc: Ailelerin cocuklarini buyuturken karsilastiklari ozellikle saglikla ilgili konularda interneti etkili bir sekilde kullanamadiklarini gozlemledik. In addition, parents should be encouraged, during healthcare visits, to take advantage of the internet, because they highly trust the information that they obtain from healthcare providers. Yanisira; aileler saglik vizitleri sirasinda internetin faydalari konusunda tesvik edilmelidirler. Cunku; aileler saglik hizmet sunucularindan edindikleri bilgilere cok guvenmektedirler. Anahtar Kelimeler: adolesan, cocuk, aile, saglik, internet Can Turkish families use the internet effectively while raising children? ABSTRACT Objective: The internet has become an important part of our lives in the field of health, as well as in many other areas. We aimed to evaluate the internet usage habits of families in issues related to children. Method: This study was conducted from March 2017 to July 2017 using a survey form filled by the parents of children under the age of 18 years old who presented to the pediatric outpatient clinic. Results: Of the 489 participants’ the median age was 32 years old. The families with children under 6 years old stated that they mostly (57.8%) searched the internet for information about growth and development, while the families with children between 6 and 12 years old and > 12 years old reported that they mostly searched the internet for information about school success (44.7% and 58.2%, respectively). Of the participants, 87.5% reported that they searched the internet for information about their problems before taking their children to a healthcare center, and more than half (56.6%) stated that the knowledge they obtained from the internet was useless or they remained indecisive with regard to this issue. Conclusion: We observed that the families were unable to use the internet effectively, especially with regard to the health related issues they faced while raising their children. In addition, parents should be encouraged, during healthcare visits, to take advantage of the internet, because they highly trust the information that they obtain from healthcare providers. Keywords: adolescent, child, family, health, internet
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