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Supporting Home-Based Dementia Care

Majority of patients suffering from dementia live with their family members and get home-based care. This is more so in low- and middle-income countries, where institutional care is almost non-existent. Though home-based dementia care has many advantages, it is not easy to provide home-based dementia care for longer periods. Dementia care can adversely impact the physical and mental health of caregivers. Caregivers encounter many difficulties and challenges. Formal healthcare services are often unhelpful and do not reach out to support home-based care. The challenges involved in providing home-based care include difficulties in managing the behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia, lack of financial support and difficulties in ensuring the safety of the person with dementia. Caregivers often do not have access to much needed information about dementia and its management. They often do not get the kind of support they very much need. A good home-based care model should be able to connect home-based care to formal healthcare delivery system by linking with community-based services. Outreach services can be provided by trained health workers who can make regular home visits and advise caregivers. These health workers can be supervised by primary healthcare teams. Clinicians and nurses who are part of this team can help by providing adequate knowledge and skills to manage people with dementia. They could also provide clinic-based services to support older people with dementia when needed. Home-based care can also take help from other available services like special healthcare services for older people or general healthcare services. We need a competent healthcare workforce who can take up the task of educating and supporting the caregivers to improve home-based care of older people with dementia. Technological assistance can be used to communicate with the caregivers, help in-home safety, and in monitoring the physical health aspects.
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