Erosion of N=20 shell in Al 33 investigated through the ground-state electric quadrupole moment

Abstract Electric quadrupole moment Q of the Al 33 ground state has been measured by means of β -NMR spectroscopy using a spin-polarized Al 33 beam produced in a projectile fragmentation reaction. The obtained Q moment, | Q exp ( 33 Al ) | = 132 ( 16 ) e mb , shows a significant excess from the prediction of shell model calculations within the sd shell. The result indicates sizable admixing of pf intruder configurations in the ground state, demonstrating that the N = 20 shell closure certainly erodes in Al 33 , a nucleus located on the border of the island of inversion . Comparison was made with predictions of the Monte Carlo shell model, and also a particle-vibration coupling model treating the neutron pairing correlations in the ground state of Al 33 . Again, a significant admixture of pf intruder configurations to the Al 33 ground state was needed in both theoretical approaches to explain the observed large Q .
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