Trial of Vaginal Birth Following Cesarean Section for Arrest Disorders of Labor: Analysis of Patients with Well‐Documented Medical Records

We elucidated several controversial problems surrounding the vaginal trial in patients with prior abdominal delivery under the diagnosis of failure to progress or cephalopelvic disproportion, by conducting a prospective 6-year survey on the basis of patients who underwent prior operation for arrest disorders of labor (ADL). Of 45 full-term women who were denned as patients of prior ADL following a review of their past medical records, 28 patients underwent trial of labor and 75% (21/28) were successfully delivered of their infants vaginally. The seemingly critical determinants as to whether or not a vaginal birth is successful are the difference in neonatal weights between prior and current pregnancies as well as the difference between maternal obstetric conjugate and fetal biparietal diameter. These data suggest that patients who underwent prior cesarean section for indications of ADL have a high chance of safely succeeding if given a trial of labor under certain exclusionary criteria.
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