Evaluation of celiac artery blood flow in children with chronic active gastritis

Purpose: There is no information about gastric blood flow in children with chronic gastritis. In this study, we aimed to evaluate hemodynamic changes of the celiac artery by trans-abdominal duplex Doppler ultrasonography, in children with chronic gastritis. Materials and Methods: We examined 64 children with duplex Doppler ultrasonography. 36 children (group 1) with chronic active gastritis (diagnosed by endoscopy and histology) and 28 healthy children (group 2) were included the study. Children with chronic gastritis were classified again according to the presence of Helicobacter pylori infection and the severity of inflammation. End diastolic velocity, mean peak systolic velocity, pulsatility index and resistive index of the celiac artery were compared. Results: While the mean pulsatility index and the mean resistive index were significantly higher in the group 1 (p < 0.001) the mean peak systolic velocity and the mean end diastolic velocity were significantly lower in group 1 than in controls (p < 0.001). In addition, mean peak systolic velocity was significantly higher in patients without Helicobacter pylori than in patients with Helicobacter pylori than (p < 0.05). Conclusions: In this study, children with chronic active gastritis was shown that the decreased blood flow in celiac artery. Doppler ultrasonography can be used in first step diagnostic investigation before further invasive tests in children with suspicion of gastritis. Amac: Kronik gastritli cocuklarda mide kan akimi hakkinda bilgi bulunmamaktadir. Bu calismada kronik gastritli cocuklarda transabdominal dupleks Doppler ultrasonografi ile colyak arterin hemodinamik degisikliklerini degerlendirmeyi amacladik. Gerec ve Yontem: Dupleks Doppler ultrasonografi ile 64 cocugu inceledik. Kronik aktif gastritli (endoskopi ve histoloji tanisi alan) 36 cocuk (grup 1) ve 28 saglikli cocuk (grup 2) calismaya dahil edildi. Kronik gastritli cocuklar Helicobacter pylori enfeksiyonunun varligina ve inflamasyonun siddetine gore tekrar siniflandirildi. Colyak arterin uc diyastolik hizi, ortalama pik sistolik hizi, pulsatilite indeksi ve rezistif indeksi karsilastirildi. Bulgular: Grup 1'de ortalama pulsatilite indeksi ve ortalama rezistif indeksi anlamli olarak daha yuksekken (p <0.001), grup 1'de ortalama pik sistolik hizi ve ortalama uc diyastolik hizi kontrollerden (p <0.001) anlamli olarak daha dusuktu. Ayrica, ortalama pik sistolik hizi Helicobacter pylori olmayan hastalarda Helicobacter pylori hastalarina gore anlamli olarak daha yuksekti (p <0.05). Cikarimlar: Bu calismada, kronik aktif gastritli cocuklarin colyak arter kan akiminda azalma oldugu gosterilmistir. Doppler ultrasonografi gastrit suphesi olan cocuklarda daha ileri invaziv testlerden once ilk basamak tani incelemesinde kullanilabilir.
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