Migrated Brick Labour Adolescent Women and Their Children: Need of Attention in Uttar Pradesh

The word 'migration' is derived from the Latin word migrate; meaning to change one’s residence. There are international, inter-regional, inter-state, inter-district and rural-urban forms of migration. In the economic context, migration helps to provide required labour to the areas where there is labour shortage. Research studies on migration are based on the assumption that the pattern of female migration bears a close semblance to that of male migration so it is essential to study migration from a gender perspective. The present study is not concerned only with Economic Status of adolescent female migrants and their children but also with Health Status which is an important component for human capital in present scenario. In this study Multistage Cluster Sampling Technique was used for selecting the samples. Results of present study shows that majority of the respondents (84.8 per cent) were found living in the houses which were below 50sq. Feet in size and there is no facility of septic tank and borehole at the working place of migrants as all the respondents had to use open ground for toilet. A large number of the respondents (99.2 per cent) did not receive any type of maternity benefit and majority of the respondents (60 per cent) got married at the age of 16-20 years and 38.37 per cent of women got married between the age group of 11-15 years. 'Polio Drop' was the only health care service given by the Government to the issues of migrant households and no 'Health Facility Camp' ever visited in the area of the respondents to cure simple health problems related to sickness, nose, ears, eyes etc.
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