Lupus-erythematodes-/Lichen-ruber-planus-Overlap-Syndrom : 5 Fälle im Patientengut der Dermatologischen Universitätsklinik Erlangen (1984-1995)

The simultaneous occurrence of lupus erythematosus (LE)- and lichen ruber (LP)-like symptoms is called LE/LP-overlap syndrome (LE/LP-OS). It is defined by concomitant clinical, histologic and immunhistologic features of both diseases. To date, 47 cases of this rare dermatosis have been reported with marked differences in the skin lesions:They are either of intermediate appearance between LE and LP (type I=intermediate type), or show a coexistence of LE- and LP-specific lesions (type II=polartype). To determine the frequency and characteristics of the LE/LP-OS we reviewed our LE-patients from 1984-1995. 5 cases were diagnosed.The frequency of LE/LP-OS in our patients is higher than generally assumed. Due to its variable clinical, histological and immunhistological appearance and the lack of unequivocal pathognomonic signs, this overlap-dermatosis may be underdiagnosed. Since therapeutic consequences result from the diagnosis, criteria are suggested to faciliate the recognition of the LE/LP-OS.
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