Evaluation of the phytochemical and hemostatic potential of Jatropha multifida sap

Summary of specific reactions of the activeplant. Classes of active substance Specific reagent and reaction Alkaloids Mayer → yellowish precipitate Quinone derivatives Born-Trager → purplish red color Cathetic and gallic tannins -Reagent of Stiasny → pink precipitate -Saturation by acetate of Na+ FeCl 3 → blue-dark green or black Flavonoids Shinoda → orange color, red or purple Cyanogenic derived Guignard (picric acide) → brown coloration Steroids and triterpenoids -Libermann-Burchard → violet-blue or green -Kedde → reddish purple or red wine Saponins Determination of the foam index (MI): positive test if MI >100 Anthocyanins Red coloration of the filtrate increased in acid medium and blue-violet in alkaline medium Leuco-anthocyanins Chloridric alcohol → cherry red color Mucilages Absolute alcohol → flocculent precipitate Reducing compounds Fehling's hot → brick-red precipitate Coumarins Ammonia 25% → intense fluorescence Anthracene derivatives Ammonia 50% → intense red color
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