Avaliação de elementos inorgânicos em água e uma população humana exposta a rejeitos de minério

Introduction: Manganese exploration in Amapa and inadequate ore tailing storage in the Santana port area have generated environmental and social impacts for residents. Objective: Assess the presence of inorganic elements in Elesbao neighborhood inhabitants exposed to ore tailings. Methods: Metals were quantifed in the water used by the population and in urine by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (F-AAS), and in hair Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). Blood was obtained from 67 exposed and 99 unexposed women, totaling 65 urine and 18 hair samples. Hematological, biochemical and blood clotting analyses were performed in all participants, who also answered a socio-economic questionnaire. Results: Regarding age group, 60.0% of exposed residents ranged between 18 and 42 years old and lived in the area from 10 to 34 years. High concentrations of As, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn and Pb were detected in the analyzed water. In urine, signifcance was observed for Mn and in hair, for Pb and Mn. Hb, Ht, VCM, HCM, monocytes, morphological changes in red cells and platelets were among the signifcant hematological parameters. Regarding the biochemical evaluations, alterations in the enzymes Alkaline Phosphatase, Bilirubins and Creatinine were observed. Conclusions: Environmental contamination by elements that can compromise the health of the exposed population was observed. However, more in-depth studies aimed at women’s health are required, including hormones and genetic marker analyses, thus contributing to the action of competent authorities to improve the health of the exposed population.
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