Congrès de l’Association de chronobiologie médicaleChronochimiothérapie à base de 5-fluorouracil, acide folinique et oxaliplatine administrée en deux jours toutes les deux semaines pour le cancer colorectal. L’expérience du CHC-Liège (Belgique)Chronotherapy with 5-fluorouracil folinic acid and oxaliplatin delivered over 48 hours every second week in colorectal cancer. The CHC-Liège experience (Belgium)☆

One hundred and ten consecutive patients suffering from a colorectal cancer received chronotherapy infused over two days every two weeks. Each course comported 5 FU 3 g/m2, folinic acid (600 mg/m2 – l. form or 1200 mg/m2 – racemic form) and oxaliplatin (85/mg/m2 – adjuvant indication or 100 mg/m2 – palliative indication). According to chronobiological concepts, 5 FU and folinic acid were infused from 10 pm to 10 am with a peak at 4 am while oxaliplatin was delivered from 10 am to 10 pm with a peak at 4 pm. The overall tolerance was excellent with a maximum of 17% patients experiencing a grade 3 toxicity. The toxicity was higher in women, in older patients (> = 70) or in case of flat infusion. In adjuvant situation (60 cases), progression free and overall survivals established respectively at 76% (42 + months) and 88% (45 + months). Fifty-two percent response rate were recorded within the palliative group (50 cases) with an overall 68% disease control. Median progression free survival was seven months but median survival was not attained at 31+ months. Thirty percent patients could benefit from a curative surgery after chemotherapy. Older patients (> = 70) experienced worsened survival. In conclusion, we think that our chrono-FOLFOX 2-12 should be proposed as standard treatment for colorectal cancer patients.
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