Specific formulas for preterm infants, how and when

Both ESPGHAN (2010) and AAP (2012), stated that “all preterm infants should receive human milk” for the many short-term and long termbenefits [1,2]. All kinds of breast milk (fresh by own mother or pastourized by donor) for preterm should be fortified, to gain the recommended requirements. In case of its absence the only alternative is represented by the formulas for preterm infants (PTF). It is not yet definitively established the ideal PTF composition, particularly for ELBW infants. Table 1 shows the main recommendations for nutrients [1-4]. A study compared the use of a soy-based formula (with calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D), with a PTF. Infants taking soy showed lower growth, levels of protein and albumin [5]. ESPGHAN in 2006 concluded that soy-based formulas should not be used in premature infants [6]. The use of hydrolyzed formulas has not shown a preventive role on cow’s milk protein allergy, it has proven helpful in improving food tolerance (acceleration of the intestinal transit time and faster achievement of full enteral feeding), but it has a reduced nutritional value, (especially protein intake) [7-11]. A recent study evaluated the usefulness of a thickened formula in reducing apnea of prematurity GERD-related. The authors conclude that these formulas are not effective in the reduced number of apneas GERD-related [12].
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