Neutrophil function and microbial associations in rapidly progressing periodontitis and chronic periodontitis in the adult

: Our study was focused on the functional characteristics of neutrophil leukocytes (PMN) and the subgingival microflora in two different forms of periodontal disease: 1) adult periodontitis (AP); 2) rapidly progressive periodontitis (RPP). Our study dealt with the functional characteristics of neutrophil leukocytes in the gingival fluid and in the peripheral blood. These were found markedly reduced in the RPP group, while, in the AP group, they were comparable to those of a healthy control group. No difference between local and systemic values was detected. Moreover, some samples of subgingival plaque were taken from two groups of patients, affected by AP and RPP respectively. The above samples showed a predominance of Gram-negative flora over Gram-positive flora, and of anaerobic flora over the aerobic one, and the predominance of specific pathogens in each of the two forms of periodontal disease. The subgingival plaque samples taken at the end of the periodontal treatment from five out of ten patients affected by RPP showed inverse ratios, as well as the absence of the previously detected pathogens. The findings underline the relevance of tests of leukocytes functionality and that of microbiological analysis to allow correct diagnosis of dubious forms of periodontal disease and the checking of the posttreatment results.
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