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Hepatit B ve Hepatit C

Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C Hepatitis B (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) are two important agents which causing hepatitis transmitted by parenteral route. These viruses are responsible for life treating health problem and remarkable economical loss. Yearly more than million cases of hepatit B and hepatit C are reported all over the world. Chronicty, cirrhosis and hepatocelluler carcinoma are major complications of these diseases. In this article; epidemiolgical features, clinical patterns, therapy and immunization of hepatit B and hepatit C were reviewed. Hepatit B ve C virusu parenteral yolla bulasan iki onemli hepatit etkenidir. Bu viruslarin neden oldugu hepatit ciddi saglik sorunlarina ve onemli ekonomik kayiplara yol acmaktadir. Her yil milyonlarca insan bu hastaliklara yakalanmaktadir. Kroniklesme, siroz ve hepatoselluler karsinoma onemli komplikasyonlaridir. Bu derlemede hepatit B ve C'nin epidemiyolojik ozellikleri, klinik formlari, risk gruplari, tedavi ve korunma yontemleri gozden gecirilmistir.
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