Participation of non-major histocompatibility antigen complex gene in experimental autoimmune uveitis.

: It is known that the susceptibility to experimental autoimmune uveitis (EAU) is controlled by both major histocompatibility antigen complex (MHC) and non-MHC genes. In this report, we studied the role of non-MHC genes in the induction of EAU. LEW, WKAH, (LEW x WKAH)F1, and (LEW x WKAH)F2 rats were examined to determine the incidence and severity of EAU induced by immunization with bovine S-antigen (S-Ag). We found that all the LEW rats developed severe EAU within 2 weeks after immunization, but no WKAH rats did. Most of the F1 rats developed mild inflammation in 3-4 weeks after immunization. A quarter of the F2 rats developed EAU within 2 weeks, half of them, in 3-6 weeks after immunization, and the others did not. These findings suggest that only one non-MHC gene controls the susceptibility to S-Ag-induced EAU in rats.
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