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Dogs and echinococcosis in Iceland

History Hydatid disease was first described in Icelandic literature about the year 1200. According to the first qualified physician in Iceland, Bjarni Palsson (1719-1779) was echinococcosis about 1760 one of the most frequent diseases among the human population, and was also commonly observed in sheep and cattle. Autopsies and questionaries indicate that 20-25% of the inhabitants might have been infested by hydatidosis about 1850. The nature of the disease was still unknown at that time. The dog population was estimated to be 15.00020.000, or about one dog for every three or four people. At the same time there were in Copenhagen 1 dog for every 30-32 persons. Obviously there were too many dogs in Iceland. The sheep, cattle, dogs and humans lived in close contact. The dogs often shared a room and even bed with the family, and were the best playmate for the children. The people lived mostly in primitive houses at that time and under primitive hygienic conditions. It is therefore not wonder that the hydatid disease flourished as long as the nature of the disease was still obscure. In 1849 the Danish physician P.A.Schleisner (18191900) concluded that one out of every six Icelanders suffered from hydatid disease. In 1862 doctor Harald Krabbe (1831-1917) from the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University in Copenhagen studied the hydatid problem in Iceland. He found that 28 out of 100 dogs and most of the old sheep and cows that were slaughtered were infested with echinococcus cysts. Experiments he carried out in cooperation with an Icelandic physician Jon C Finsen (1826-1885) proved the relationship between taenias in dogs and the hydatid cysts in humans. Doctor H. Krabbe realized that most important was to inform the people of the nature of the disease in order to prevent the infestations of humans and animals with eggs of the intestinal parasites of the dog. H. Krabbe was a chief adviser to the Icelandic government on hydatid disease and prophylactic measures in the period 1860-1890. His recommendations were followed strictly for more than 100 years and partially they still are. New infestations by E. granulosus practially dissappeared in Iceland the decade 1890-1900. That is based on 7333 autopsies of people performed in the period 1932-1966. And based on 15.888 autopsies 19321982 only few human infestations occurred after 1900. The most recent human cases are a person born in 1937 who was autopsied in 1960, another person born in 1905 operated 1984 and the third person born in 1920 operated in 1988. In 1863 an autopsy survey of 100 dogs were carried out. E. granulosus was found in 28 of them, 75 dogs carried T. marginata. In the period one hundred years later 200 dogs were autopsied (19501960). T. marginata was found in 11 dogs but none of them carried E. granulosus. Reports of meat inspectors from Icelandic abattoirs did not record hydatid cysts in cattle, pigs and horses after 1961. However in the period 1953-1979, cysts of echinococcus were recorded in a total of 21 old ewes, all of which came from few farms on 2 small areas in East-Iceland. There was an indication that the parasite had been introduced to the country by an imported dog. After 1979 no hydatid cysts have been found in any animal in Iceland.
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