The impact of COVID-19 restrictions on accelerometer-assessed physical activity and sleep in individuals with type 2 diabetes.

Aims Restrictions during the COVID-19 crisis will have impacted on opportunities to be active. We aimed to a) quantify the impact of COVID-19 restrictions on accelerometer-assessed physical activity and sleep in people with type 2 diabetes and b) identify predictors of physical activity during COVID-19 restrictions. Methods Participants were from the UK Chronotype of Patients with type 2 diabetes and Effect on Glycaemic Control (CODEC) observational study. Participants wore an accelerometer on their wrist for 8 days before and during COVID-19 restrictions. Accelerometer outcomes included: overall physical activity, moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA), time spent inactive, days/week with ≥30-minutes continuous MVPA, sleep. Predictors of change in physical activity taken pre-COVID included: age, sex, ethnicity, body mass index (BMI), socio-economic status, and medical history. Results 165 participants (age (mean±S.D=64.2±8.3years, BMI=31.4±5.4kg/m2 , 45% women) were included. During restrictions, overall physical activity was lower by 1.7 mg (~800 steps/day) and inactive time 21.9 minutes/day higher, but time in MVPA and sleep did not statistically significantly change. In contrast, the percentage of people with ≥1 day/week with ≥30-minutes continuous MVPA was higher (34% cf. 24%). Consistent predictors of lower physical activity and/or higher inactive time were higher BMI and/or being a woman. Being older and/or from ethnic minorities groups was associated with higher inactive time. Conclusions Overall physical activity, but not MVPA, was lower in adults with type 2 diabetes during COVID-19 restrictions. Women and individuals who were heavier, older, inactive, and/or from ethnic minority groups were most at risk of lower physical activity during restrictions.
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