Against all odds—living with fibromyalgia: A single case history on chronic illness and inner growth

Introduction Chronic pain confronts patients with a constant struggle of coping with it and realigning their sense of self. Despite of that, some patients do develop beyond coping and come to personal transformation due to their struggle. The potential of tackling the challenges of severe illness for inner growth is empirically verified; nevertheless conditions to enable such a development are poorly understood. The crucial question about the personal resources fostering such a process remains. We will give insight into the potential of a biographical approach in understanding coping with chronic illness by presenting a single case history of fibromyalgia. Method The case in question is part of a qualitative study on personal transformation and severe illnesses. Interviews were conducted with a narrative, biographical approach with the aim of finding out what enabled a positive development. In the analysis objective life data as well as the subjective experience of the patient are used. Thus, we are interested in finding out what kind of biographical resources and personal strategies are the decisive ones eventually leading to transformation of the patient to live a life in greater personal autonomy despite pain and suffering. Result With a narrative approach insights into the lived experience of a fibromyalgia patient that accomplished such a positive development are enabled. The analysis is validated by the outcomes of other studies on subjective patients’ experience with fibromyalgia. Although positive developments of several patients are mentioned by some studies, they do not delve into the meaning of it in the context of a patients’ life nor into the factors that enabled it. The development initiated by the course of the disease became apparent by looking at the patient's biography. Thus it was possible to identify areas in her life and personality where she developed further than what could have been expected. We propose a focus on the biographical resources as a way to encourage such developments in a therapeutic setting. A biographical approach might enable practitioners to gain the necessary insight and rapport with their patients to render possible a process going beyond successful coping.
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