Значимость эпидемиологических факторов риска развития туберкулеза у детей и подростков в современных условиях

Objective : To estimate epidemiological factors of the tuberculosis progression among children and teenagers under current conditions. Methods: Epidemiological indicators on tuberculosis in Moscow region for the period from 2014 to 2019 have been analyzed according to the forms of Federal Statistic Survey. Results: There is a decrease of tuberculosis disease rate in Moscow region among children and teenagers. The increase of preventive examination coverage by 1.6 times when tuberculosis was identified allowed to take timely preventive measures and to reduce the morbidity among children and adults living in the outbreaks of the infection by 11.8 times. The enhance of the effectiveness of preventive measures is due to the introduction of the sample of tuberculosis recombinant allergen. It increased the commitment of the parents to the preventive treatment of the children and teenagers up to 92.9 %. Conclusions: Early and timely detection of tuberculosis and working in the outbreaks of tuberculosis infection preserve relevance under the conditions of tuberculosis disease. High risks of tuberculosis progression among children and adults defined contacts with a person discharging bacteria, also multiple drug resistance of the mycobacteria and the availability of the outbreak formed by patients having co-infection HIV+tuberculosis.
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