Maxillary metastasis from a hepatocellular carcinoma: Report of an uncommon presentation and literature review

Abstract Introduction Oral metastases from hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) are very rare, and predominate in the mandible. We report an exceptional case of maxillary metastasis revealing HCC. Case report A 56-year-old man with a previous medical history of alcohol abuse presented to our department with a 3-week evolving oral mass. Physical examination showed a left maxillary tumor. The biopsy revealed a HCC and a multi-metastatic HCC with portal thrombosis and a pulmonary embolism was discovered following a CT-scan. A state of advanced malnutrition contraindicated sorafenib chemotherapy. Thus, external irradiation was proposed, without success. The patient subsequently died 50 days later. Discussion Maxillary HCC metastases are extremely rare. The average age of HCC jaw metastases appearance in patients has been reported to be approximately 57 years, men are more affected than women are, and the mean life expectancy is 12 months following the diagnosis. These patients require palliative treatment. Local recurrences occur very early after possible surgery, and expose the patient to life-threatening bleeding.
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