Pathology, Immunity , Epidemiology , Control and Treatment of Genital Tract Disease due to Chlamydia trachomatis

There are many uncertainties about how best to control chlamydia transmi ssion and prevent complications . There are no uniformly accepted screening practices, with the majority being opportunistic. T he effectiveness and cost - effectiveness of chlamydia screening programmes might be consider as controversial . Routine clinical di agnosis of chlamydia infections is suboptimal , and this leads to unreliable dates of epidemiology . Epidemiologic studies of reinfection rates, chlamydia case report trends, and seroprevalence and seroincidence trends suggest that intensified case finding a nd treatment in some locales are associated with an initial decrease followed by paradoxical increases in reported chlamydial cases and, perhaps, seroincidence. T he mechanisms that lead to the ascension of Chlamydia from the lower reproductive tract into the upper reproductive tract are not fully understood, neither is the rate at which this happens. C hlamydial target proteins could be used to develop novel treatment strategies or for the optimization of vaccines or serodiagnosis this is a groundbreaking step that will sustainably affect chlamydial research. The second major effort will affect the characterization of the micro environment in which chlamydial infections take place in humans in order to adjust or refine existing infection models to become mo re physiological . The manuscript reviews the scientific evidence for the pathology, epidemiology and control of chlamydia infection s , in order to better evaluate and estimate the impact and cost - effectiveness of public health interventions targeted at ch lamydia.
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