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Giant Ovarian Cyst: A Case Report

Cystic abdominal tumors are extremely common and now they are diagnosed more frequently and earlier due to availability of better imaging modalities. Now a days ovarian cysts rarely grow immense due to the fact that ultrasonography scanning permits early detection and appropriate treatment. Occasionally, ovarian cysts reach enormous dimensions without raising any symptom. A few cases of giant ovarian cysts have been sporadically reported in the literature. (1-3) Furthermore, Mucinous cyst adenomas (MCAs) of the ovary are known for their potential to grow to massive proportions and are often incidentally diagnosed. They are typically benign tumors accounting for 15% of ovarian neoplasms and up to 80% of all mucinous tumors.(4) Ovarian MCAs are characteristically unilateral, only 5% presenting bilaterally, and the peak incidence occurs among women who are between 30 and 50 years of age.(5) MCA appears as a large cystic mass, often multiloculated, containing sticky gelatinous fluid. The vast majority of mucinous tumors are benign (75%), 10% borderline, and 15% carcinomas. (6) Management of ovarian cysts depends on the patient's age, the size and structure of the cyst and menopausal status. Surgical management of cysts is by open or laparoscopic cyst excision or cystectomy with oophorectomy. (7,8) We
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