Abstract 19335: Not Your Typical Atrial Flutter

Case: Mr M. presented to the emergency room with two months of progressive shortness of breath and was found to be in atrial flutter with 2:1 conduction at a rate of 140 bpm. His medical history was significant for tobacco use, etoh abuse, and hypertension. Key objective findings included tachycardia, hypoxia an elevated JVP, bibasilar crackles, a summation gallop, and lower extremity edema. His work up included an echocardiogram that illustrated a globally depressed EF (15-20%) and a large “worm like” mass that was free floating and extended into the RV. Management: A heparin drip was already infusing as the initial plan included cardioversion. Since the patient remained hemodynamically stable and there was no evidence of concurrent deep vein thrombosis, a TEE was performed to fully evaluate the mass and to assess the intra-atrial septum for right to left shunting. The TEE with 3D renderings demonstrated a mobile 0.8 x 10 cm mass most consistent with a thrombus that intermittently prolapses through the t...
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