Profile of 350 couples attending the Infertility Clinic at P.G. Hospital.

This is a preliminary report on the profile of infertile couples attending the Infertility Clinic of P.G. Hospital from September 1979 to November 1980. 350 infertile couples attended the clinic of which 221 were cas of primary sterility and 129 were cases of secondary sterility of variable duration. The average age of the patients was 26.07 years 34.87 for husbands. 91.71% were Muslims; 42% had education from grades 5-10; and 87.42% were unemployed. 30.85% had been married 5 years or less; 39.14% 6-10 years; and 23.42% 11-15 years. The total number of pregnancies reported by 129 women with secondary sterility was 206 for an average of 1.59. The total wasted pregnancies were 160; the mean number of pregnancy wastage was 1.25. 66% had no living children. Apart from D and C T.T. hysterosalpingography and laparoscopy with chromotubation 30 patients were given surgical treatment for infertility. 6 cases of salpingo-oophorectomy 4 cases of toboplasty 3 reanastomosis of fallopian tubes 2 partial oophorectomy 2 myomectomy 1 wedge resection ovary 9 reanastomosis after sterilization and 3 repair of vaginal or cervical sterosis. Of 275 semen analyses 32.7% (90) gave a sperm count higher than 60 million/ml while 37.8% (104) had a count between 10-60 million/ml. 8% (22) specimens had a sperm count less than 10 million/ml. 21.4% (59) had complete azoospermia; past illnesses in these cases were 3 syphilis 3 gonorrhea 13 small-pox and 7 others.
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