Critical Urogenital Disorders Causing Abdominal Pain in Intact Cats

2 Abstract: This study aimed to evaluate, diagnosis and management of series cases in cats suffered from some critical urogenital problems causing abdominal pain. Forty-seven cats (21 Shiraz, 22 Siamese and 4 Egyptian Mau) were included. Diagnosis was based on history, clinical signs, cardiovascular and respiratory monitoring, radiography, abdominal ultrasonography, hematological and biochemical analysis. Feline Urologic Syndrome (FUS) was diagnosed in 18/47 cats (38.3%); urinary bladder rupture (UBR) 2/47 (4.3%); polycystic kidney (PKD) 1/47 (2.1%); uterine rupture (UtR) 1/47 (2.1%) and closed cervix pyometra (CP) 25/47 (53.2%). Cats were subjected to resuscitation and medical management before surgical intervention. Animals suffered FUS were treated using retrograde urohydropropulsion with cystocentesis and/ or tube cystostomy with successful recovery. Percutenous cystic aspiration was performed in the case of PKD. Ovariohystrectomy was the radical treatment in cats suffered from both CP and UtR. Cats with UBR were treated with cystorrhaphy. Results revealed successful recovery and good outcome inspite a case of FUS was died before treatment.. In conclusion, tube cystostomy is a successful method for treatment of refractory cases of obstructed FUS. Hyperkalemia and azotemia should be considered in cats suffering FUS, uroabdomen and PKD. Relevance rapid resuscitation, prompt diagnosis and accurate treatment are the corner stone for management of critical urogenital disorders causing abdominal pain.
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