Eczema therapeutics in children: what do the clinical trials say?

A B S T R A C T Eczema or atopic dermatitis is a common childhood atopic disease associated with chronicity and impaired quality of life. As there is no cure for the disease, treatment relies on topical and systemic anti-allergic or immunomodulating therapies. Topical cortico-steroid, macrolide immunosuppressants, and oral immunomodulating drugs for recalcitrant disease have been the mainstay of therapy. Management of atopic dermatitis must consider the individual symptomatic variability of the disease. Basic therapy is focused on patient/ family education, hydrating topical treatment, and avoidance of specific and non-specific provocative factors. Anti-inflammatory treatment based on topical glucocorticosteroids and topical calcineurin inhibitors is used for exacerbation management and more recently in selective cases for proactive therapy. Systemic immunosuppressive treatment is an option for severe refractory cases. Microbial colonisation and superinfection may
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