An impact of first COVID lockdown on physical and mental health along with the quality of life in adults belonging to Maharashtra state

Amid rise in Covid-19 cases throughout the world including India. So study was initiated to find out the impact on different domains of health. A self-administered questionnaire was prepared, which consist of questions per-taining to the change in physical and mental health along with the quality of life during the lockdown period and was distributed through Google forms. During the survey, a total of 663 responses were collected, of which 604 responses were analyzed. Out of responses that were calculated, the physical health of 370 participants (61.30%) was improved, physical health of 111 (-18.40%) participants has deteriorated and the remaining 123 (20.30%) participants barely changed. The mental health of 274 (-45.30%) participants was declined, 201 (33.20 %) respondents tried to maintain a healthy mental state while 129 (29.30%) members maintained a peaceful state of mind. The quality of life of 290(48%) was adversely affected, 218 (36%) participants were able to maintain a healthier lifestyle, and their quality of life increased, while 96 (15.8%) remained unchanged. Quality of life is most negatively ham-pered whereas there is improved physical health status in the adult popula-tion. All the 3 components are Physical and Mental health along with Quality of life was affected due to Covid-19 related lockdown but out of these, physical health was 61.3% positively affected while mental health and QOL were deteriorated by 45% and 48% respectively.
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