Paget Disease of Breast (Nipple) in a Lactating Woman-A Diagnostic Dilemma

Abstract Pregnancy-associated breast cancers (PABCs) are missed clinically at early stage due to benign mimickers and typically diagnosed at an advanced stage with higher incidence of lymph node metastases,  worse prognosis and fatal outcome.  Early detection of these cases is hampered by low sensitivity of different diagnostic modalities including mammography and fine needle aspiration cytology.  PABC presenting with Paget’s  disease of  nipple in lactating woman is rarely reported in literature.Very little data is available on PABC among Indian women. Paget’s disease of breast is commonly  seen in elderly women, however when it occurs in lactating women it may be mistaken for benign eczematous lesions. Moreover, lactational changes hamper the diagnosis of masses clinically and radiologically. Here, we present a case of Paget’s disease of   breast  in a lactating woman with  a  breast lump and ulcerated skin lesion in the nipple. Keywords: Pregnancy associated breast cancer (PABC); Paget’s disease; Mammography; Breast cancer; Mammary paget disease; Breast lump
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