Ankara il merkezi ilköğretim okullarındaki allerjen düzeylerinin ve bu okulların genel özelliklerinin öğrencilerde görülen allerjik hastalık semptomlarıyla ilişkilendirilmesi

Yirminci yuzyilin sonlarindan itibaren ic ortamda gecirilen zaman artmaktadir. Zamanin %40-60'lik bir bolumunun evlerde, geriye kalan bolumun buyuk cogunlugunun ise baska ic mekanlarda gecirildigi dusunulmektedir. Bu ortam cocuklar icin okul ortamidir ve cocuklar yilda en az 1000 saatlerini okulda gecirmektedirler. Bu durum dunyada okullarin saglik uzerine etkilerinin, ozellikle de allerjik hastaliklar acisindan, incelenmesine yol acmistir. Ancak ulkemizde okullardaki allerjen duzeyini inceleyen kisitli sayida calisma mevcuttur ve bu calismalarda da incelenen ozellikler ile allerjik hastalik prevalans iliskilendirmesi yapilmamistir.Bu calismanin amaci ilkogretim okullarindaki allerjen duzeylerinin ve okullarin fiziksel ozelliklerinin ogrencilerdeki allerjik hastalik prevalanslari ile iliskilendirilmesidir.Ankara Buyuk Şehir Belediyesi sinirlari icerisindeki altinci sinif ogrenci sayisi ve ogrencilerin bolge ve okullara dagilimi Il Milli Egitim Mudurlugu'nden temin edilmistir. Orneklem buyuklugu evreni bilinen ornekleme formulu ile hesaplanmis, orneklem sayisi tabakalama yontemi ile bolgelere dagitilmistir. Okullar ve bu okullarda secilecek siniflar randomize sekilde belirlenmistir. Okullar fiziksel ozellikleri acisindan degerlendirilmis ve siniftan ve sinifin bagli oldugu koridordan toz ornegi alinmistir. Allerjik hastalik sikligi ISAAC anketi ile arastirilmistir. Toz ornekleri allerjen duzeyleri acisindan incelenmistir.Allerjen duzeyleri (Der f 1, Der p1, Fel d 1, Can f 1, Bla g 1, Bla g 2, Alt a 1, Asp f 1) tum orneklerde tespit edilebilir limitin altinda bulunmustur. Allerjik hastaliklar acisindan risk faktorleri incelendiginde; kalitimsal ve erken cocukluk donemine ait cevresel faktorlerin kumulatif allerjik hastalik prevalansi uzerine etkili oldugu ancak son yil icerisindeki sikayetler uzerine daha cok okul faktorlerinin etkili oldugu gorulmustur. Okullarda allerjen tespit edilememis olmasi bu etkinin fiziksel faktorlerden kaynaklandigini dusundurmektedir.Abstract After last part of the 20th century we spend the vast majority of our time in an indoor world. It has been estimated that we spend from 30 to 60% of our time in our homes with the majority of the remaining time in another enclosed area, if it is a child, in an indoor school environment. Children spent at least 1000 hours a year inside a school. This situation has continued to prompt concerns about the indoor world of the school and the potential adverse health effects that it may impose, especially to those with allergic conditions. However there are only a few studies about the allergen levels of schools in our country and correlation between allergen levels and the prevalence of allergic diseases has not been investigated yet.The purpose of this study was to identify the presence of environmental allergens in our elementary schools and to identify the physical conditions of these schools and to correlate these data with the allergic disease prevalence rates in the children attending those schools.The number of 6th year students in Ankara Municipality and the distribution of these students to schools and regions in the municipality were obtained from Ministry of Education. Sample size was calculated according to statistical formulation. The sample was divided in to strata according to the size of the regions. Schools and classrooms were selected in a randomized manner. Physical environmental observations were performed in schools and selected classrooms. In addition, dust samples for allergen analyses were collected from classrooms and corridors. The prevalence rates of allergic diseases were determined with ISAAC questionnaire.Allergen levels examined in this study (Der f 1, Der p1, Fel d 1, Can f 1, Bla g 1, Bla g 2, Alt 1, Asp 1) were under detection limit for all samples. Regarding the risk factors for allergic disease; although the cumulative prevalence of allergic diseases were correlated with personal characteristics, school parameters had more influence than personal characteristics on the current prevalences (last year prevalences). Since we did not detect allergen in schools we believe the influence of schools on allergic disease may rise from the physical conditions of the schools.
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