Endovascular Repair of External Iliac Artery Occlusion after Hip Prosthesis Migration

Purpose:To report emergent endovascular intervention to restore lower extremity arterial patency after migration of a hip prosthesis caused thrombosis of the external iliac artery (EIA).Case Report:Nine months following left hip revision arthroplasty, a 66-year-old woman presented to the Emergency Department with the complaints of an acutely painful left lower extremity for over 6 hours. Imaging showed the metallic acetabular portion of the hip prosthesis in the iliac fossa, with severe external compression of the EIA. After thrombolysis to remove clot from the EIA, an 8×60-mm self-expanding Smart stent was deployed in the left EIA from a contralateral access. The procedure was successful, and the patient was discharged. An infected wound from a compartment fasciotomy delayed revision of the hip prosthesis. Nine weeks after stenting, the patient returned with a cold, pulseless left limb; a femorofemoral bypass was constructed to restore perfusion.Conclusions:While stent placement restored flow for 9 weeks...
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