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Medical Anthropology in Europa

In Europe the research field of Medical Anthropology working on topics in Europe is not homogenate. In this article we will first present the theoretical background and scientific development of Medical Anthropology in Europe. The research subjects are medical systems of European Societies, especially biomedicine. In this research biomedicine is not understood as an objective natural science, but is looked at through historical, cultural, societal and political connections. Through this context it becomes clear, that nation specific differences are of great interest in this research. Besides the theoretical background, in this article there are presented research projects in Medical Anthropology Germany and Austria. Reproduction is the focus of these projects; this topic is traditionally very much looked at in research about Western societies. We will present work on "natural birth" (KNEUPER), Caesarean Section on request (DELIUS, HORBST), concepts of mental illness in the postpartum period (DELIUS), "Children-Making" (HADOLT, LENGAUER) and to children and the use of medication and children and chronic illness (WIRSING). The new human technologies from reproductive medicine to organ transplantation are analysed in their contexts (HAUSER-SCHAUBLIN, KALITZKUS, PETERSEN, SCHRODER).
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