Clinical significance of CD34 in endometrioid carcinoma of the uterine body

Endometroid carcinoma (EC) is the most common malignant tumor of the female genital system. The incidence rate increases with age, so that in about 75% of cases it occurs in postmenopausals womens. Our goal is to examine the expression of CD34 in the endometrioid carcinoma (EC) of the uterine body with classical clinical and prognostic parameters. On the biopsy samples obtained after the hysterectomy of 36 patients operated from EC body of the uterus at the gynaecologic-obstetric department General hospital of the Pirot, where applied routine H&E and the imuno-histochaemical ABC method with anti-CD34 antibodies.Based on the expression of CD 34, the microvascular density (mvd) per mm2 of the tissue was calculated stereometrically, SPSS software package (version 19.0) is used for statistical processing of obtained results. The significantly expressed expression of CD34 is present in all cases of tumors in pT2a to pT3a, and in all cases of the IIA-IIIA FIGO stage. A significantly high neoangiogenesis index is present in 72% of moderately differentiated tumors, in about 70% of tumors with moderate and expressed nuclear atypies, in 92% of cases with lymphatic invasion and blood vessel invasion, and in about 76,5% of tumors affecting over 50% of myomterium. CD34 expression is moderatly and significantly correlated with invasion of lymph vessels, tumor pathology, by invasion of blood vessels and myometrium (kk=0,636 - 0,587).The correlative dependence of this marker and the histological and nuclear atomic nucleus is weaker (kk=0,444 and 0,410). Significant association of CD34 with the aggressive EC phenotype of the body of the uterus has significant prognostic implications.
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