Prevalence of Depressive Syndrome in Patients with Breast Cancer Treated with or without Aromatase Inhibitors Prévalence du syndrome dépressif chez des patientes traitées pour un cancer du sein avec ou sans antiaromatases

Aims: Women with breast cancer are at higher risk of suffering from a depressive syndrome. We aim to observe the prevalence of depressive syndrome in patients with breast cancer treated with aromatase inhibitors (AI) and in a control group without hormonal therapy. Materials and methods: We use self-assessment scales, including the Beck Depression Inventory, in the two groups of patients. Results: 54 patients were included in the AI group and 16 patients in the control group. We registered 11.1% of moderate to severe depressive syndrome in the AI group vs. 37.5% in the control group. Conclusion: We can consider these results as preliminary to further studies to highlight a link between AI and depressive syndrome. Other studies with biggest populations are neces- sary to establish a link between AI and depression.
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