Low-dose exposure energy-resolved X-ray computed tomography using a contrast agent with a high-energy K-edge

X-ray computed tomography (CT) with iodine contrast agent is widely employed to locate cancers. However, this method has shortcomings such as high-radiation dose exposure, iodine side effects, and a beam hardening effect. We have been working on the energy-resolved CT measurement method using a novel X-ray detection system, the “transXend” detector, which measures X-rays as electric currents and gives the energy distribution of incident X-rays after analysis. In the present study, we propose a method for low-dose exposure CT that involves the combination of the energy-resolved CT method, which is free from the beam hardening effect, and a harmless contrast agent with high-energy K-edge absorption, such as gold nanoparticles expected as a future contrast agent. Comparisons of radiation dose exposures as functions of aluminum filter thickness at the exit aperture of an X-ray tube and the K-edge energies of contrast agents are described.
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