Long-term tolerability and efficacy after initial PegIFN-α addition to dasatinib in CML-CP: Five-year follow-up of the NordCML007 study.

Objectives Treatment-free remission (TFR) has emerged as a treatment goal in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in Chronic Phase (CML-CP). Attempts to increase proportion of patients achieving TFR include combination of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors (TKI) and other drugs. Interferon-α in addition to TKI has shown promising efficacy but with dose-dependent toxicity and discontinuations. NordCML007 was initiated to study the efficacy and safety of low dose pegylated IFN-α (PegIFN-α) in combination with dasatinib (DAS) in CML-CP. Methods Forty patients with newly diagnosed CML-CP were given DAS upfront. After month 3 (M3) 15 μg/week of PegIFN-α was added and increased to 25 μg/week from M7 until M15. DAS treatment was continued and adverse events and BCR-ABL1 qRT-PCR values were reported yearly after M24. Results from M1-M18 have previously been published, and here we present long-term data. Results After five years of follow-up there were no suspected unexpected serious adverse reactions, no increase in serosal effusions, no disease progressions and no CML-related deaths. Rates of MR3.0 (MMR), MR4.0 and MR4.5 were 84.6%, 64.1% and 51.3% respectively at M60 and 95% of patients reached MMR at some point during the study. Conclusion Initial addition of PegIFN-α to DAS shows good long-term efficacy without increased toxicity.
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