Screen printing and magnetic orientation

A present invention discloses an apparatus and process for generating an identification indicia containing magnetically orientable magnetic particles or magnetizable particles in the ink or coating composition on the base sheet 5. The apparatus includes a printing having a flat printing screen 2, a printing platen 1 for receiving the sheet 5, and a first direction along the upper surface that can be taken out top and sheet 5 facing the printing screen It comprises a flat bed screen printing unit having a platen 1, a, and a magnetic orientation unit comprises a number of magnet assembly 6. Magnetic orientation unit is disposed below the upper surface of the print platen 1, a large number of the magnet assembly 6 is disposed along the first direction, printing the first position away from the magnet assembly 6 are all the upper surface of the printing platen to a second position closer to the upper surface of the platen can be moved simultaneously and concomitantly. .FIELD 1
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