Systolic-Architecture-Based Matrix Multiplications and Its Realization for Multi-Sensor Bias Estimation Algorithms

The accelerators are gaining predominant attention in the HW/SW designs and embedded designs due to the less power consumption and parallel data processing capabilities compared to standard microprocessors and FPGA’s. In this paper, MSSKF (Multi-sensor Schmidt–Kalman filter)-based coupled bias estimation problem is considered for single target multiple sensors case. Here MSSKF augments the state vector and bias vector for bias estimation, results in computationally expensive as the dimensions of the state and sensors increases. Hence to address the computational complexity, digital signal processing (DSP) architectures are proposed and accelerated the algorithm to meet the real-time constraints. In the MSSKF algorithm, the overload of the algorithm is due to state covariance prediction and innovation covariance prediction. To realize the state covariance and innovation covariance, a folded DSP architecture and parallel processing based folded DSP architecture are proposed, respectively. The matrix multiplications are addressed with systolic arrays to gain the advantage of latency and parallel processing. Moreover, MSSKF using systolic array architectures simulated and synthesized in Vivado 2018.1 using Verilog and implemented on FPGA-Zynq-7000 board. The performance of the systolic-based accelerator realization was compared with normal matrix multiplication.
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