Beyin Normal ve Tümör Hücrelerine Deksametazonun İn-Vitro Etkileri

Nine different cell cultures which were prepared from different tissue speciments were used to investigate the effect of dexamethasone on central nervous system cells and tumour cells. Stored cells prepared and' kept in suitable condition. In the first step of investigation the effect of 1,2,5,10 and 25 ugr/ml concentrations of dexamethasone low density cell cultures were studied. Cloning efficiency was higher with dexamethasone than control group and this effect was maximum at 10 ugr/ml concentration (83 %). In the second step of investigation 24 high eell density cultures treated with 10 ugr/ml dexamethasone. At the end of the treatment, there was 50 % supression in normal eels while there was 20 % supression in astrocytomas that was related to the malignancy. Deksametazonun insan santral sinir sistemi (SSS) normal hucreleri ve tumor hucreleri uzerine invitro etkilerini arastirmak maksadiyla 9 degisik doku orneginden hazirlanan hucreler kullanildi. Uygun sartlarda saklanan doku orneklerinden hazirlanan depo hucrelerden arastirmanin birinci asamasinda dusuk hucre dansitesinde 1,2,5,10,25 ugr/ml konsantrasyonlardan deksametazonun etkisi arastirildi. Koloni yapabilme yeteneginde kontrol gruba oranla en belirgin olarak 10 ugr/ml konsantrasyonda olmak uzere % 83'e varan artislar tesbit edilmistir. Ikinci asamada depo hucrelerden yuksek hucre dansitesinde her hucre tipi icin 24 ekim yapilmis ve bunlarin yarisi 10 ugr/ml konsantrasyonda deksametazonla tedavi edilmistir. Bu tedavi sonunda normal hucrelerde hucre sayisinda % 50 supresyon gorulurken anaplazi ile bagimli olmak uzere astrositomlarda % 20 civarinda supresyon gorulmustur.
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