Zalecenia dietetyczne dotyczące spożywania jodu — w poszukiwaniu konsensusu między kardiologami a endokrynologami

Iodine is one of the essential bioactive components of a diet and which has an influence on the thyroid hormones synthesis, and these hormones affect the proper development and functioning of the organism. In the situation when the iodides consumption is less than 50 μ g/day, it is unable to maintain the thyroid hormones synthesis at a normal level by the thyroid gland. The 1992/1993 Polish Council for Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders study results were a direct reason for the compulsory resumption of table salt iodination. Table salt is a, commonly used, iodine carrier. According to the World Health Organization recommendations, the daily salt intake should not exceed 5 g NaCl (2 g Na) per person. Verification of Na content in the diet is a method for cardiovascular diseases prevention. Actions aimed at increasing of the other natural iodine carriers (milk, mineral water) intake are taken. Alternative sources of iodine in the diet are include: codfish, pollock, salmon, eggs, wheat bran, broccoli, dried pea seeds and hazelnuts. Iodination of mineral water and milk, as well as biofortification of the selected vegetables and feeding flock and cattle by food rich in iodine should be concerned according to salt restriction diet.
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