Incidencia de ectasia pielocalicial neonatal en el Hospital Metropolitano de Quito, 2014 a 2018: continuación de un estudio

Objective: Determine the incidence of pyelocalyceal ectasia at Hospital Metropolitano of Quito from 2014 to 2018. Methods: A retrospective analytical study of pyelocalyceal ectasia incidence was performed at the Metropolitan Hospital of Quito. There were 7 patients with this disease from 2014 to 2018 (incidence of 0,18%) at the Hospital. The average age was 25 months. Of this, 5 were male and 2 female, 57% were diagnosed during prenatally and 43% of neonatal form. Results: From the group of patients that were diagnosed by prenatal ultrasound, 100% the diagnosis was confirmed by ultrasound performed within a few days of birth. In this study it was found that 85,7% had I-II ectasia grade, 0% ectasia III-IV, and 14,28% could not be identified due to lack of information about the size of expansion. Of the cases, 71,42% was associated with hydronephrosis, 14,28% with double pyelocalicial system, 42,85% megaureter, 14,28% renal agenesis. 57% affected the left side, 28% the right side and 14% afected bilaterally. From the 7 patients, 14% went to hospital due to fever, 57% for prenatal diagnosis, 14% for postnatal control, and 14% for hematuria. Conclusions: The pyelocalyceal ectasia is an important entity that must be diagnosed during the prenatal stage and confirmed in newborns for its correct management.
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