A 30-Month Complete Urinary Obstruction Resulting from Trapped and Incarcerated Uterus: A Case Report.

Uterine incarceration is rare, but it can caus e serious complications, in which the uterus is trapped in the pelvic cavity behind the sacral promontory. Fibroid uterus can cause urinary frequency and retention, which can result from compression of the urinary bladder with an enlarged fibroid uterus and the compression of the bladder neck or urethra, respectively. To our knowledge, there is no report on prolonged complete urinary obstruction because of an incarcerated uterus in nonpregnant women to date. A 51-year-old woman was referred for uterine myomas. She could not void for 30 months after she received an intradetrusor injection of botulinum toxin for urinary frequency management at the urology department of another hospital. She underwent clean intermittent catheterization for 30 months. She was referred to the gynecologic department for the evaluation of uterine myoma found on using abdominopelvic computed tomography. On physical examination, the uterine cervix was extremely displaced in the upward direction and was not exposed on speculum examination. Sonography and magnetic resonance imaging revealed that the urethra and the bladder neck were compressed by an extremely retroflexed fibroid uterus. Manual reduction of the incarcerated uterus failed; hence, we performed robot-assisted laparoscopic total hysterectomy with left salpingo-oophorectomy. She immediately urinated immediately after the operation and had normal urination at 1- and 48-month follow-up visits. Uterine incarceration by a fibroid uterus can cause complete urinary obstruction, as in this case. Uterine incarceration should be considered in women with urinary frequency or retention to avoid prolonged, serious complications.
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