Wound healing and the immune response in swine treated with a hemostatic bandage composed of salmon thrombin and fibrinogen

We investigated the inflammatory response in pigs exposed to salmon fibrinogen/thrombin dressings. Animals were exposed to the material in 3 ways: (a) thrombin and fibrinogen were injected intravenously, (b) dual full-thickness skin lesions were surgically created on the dorsal aspect of the swine and treated with the fibrinogen/thrombin bandage and a commercial bandage or (c) a fibrinogen/thrombin bandage was inserted through an abdominal incision into the peritoneal cavity. Blood was collected twice weekly and animals were sacrificed at 7, 10 or 28 days. Animals in the 28-day dermal lesion group were given an injection of salmon fibrinogen/thrombin at the 10 day point to simulate a second bandage application. The immune response manifested itself as induction of germinal centers in mesenteric lymph nodes and in the white pulp of the spleen. Examination of the histology of the skin and organs showed a cellular inflammatory response with granulation tissue and signs of edema that resolved by the 28-day stage. Antibodies reactive to salmon and human thrombin and fibrinogen were detected, but fibrinogen levels and coagulation processes were not affected. In conclusion, animals treated with salmon fibrinogen/thrombin bandages demonstrated a smooth recovery course in terms of both tissue healing and the immune response without adverse effects from the exposure to the fish proteins.
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