Enhanced Shadow Retargeting with Light-Source Estimation Using Flat Fresnel Lenses

Shadow-retargeting maps depict the appearance of real shadows to virtual shadows given corresponding deformation of scene geometry, such that appearance is seamlessly maintained. By performing virtual shadow reconstruction from unoccluded real-shadow samples observed in the camera frame, this method efficiently recovers deformed shadow appearance. In this manuscript, we introduce a light-estimation approach that enables light-source detection using flat Fresnel lenses that allow this method to work without a set of pre-established conditions. We extend the adeptness of this approach by handling scenarios with multiple receiver surfaces and a non-grounded occluder with high accuracy. Results are presented on a range of objects, deformations, and illumination conditions in real-time Augmented Reality (AR) on a mobile device. We demonstrate the practical application of the method in generating otherwise laborious in-betweening frames for 3D printed stop-motion animation.
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