Aims To capture the views of various members of the healthcare system with regards to whiplash injuries and in particular, the cumulative effects of whiplash on a patient seeking compensation. Method A questionnaire was set up on “Surveymonkey” which consisted of three scenarios outlining 1. single whiplash injury 2. Past history of neck pain with new whiplash injury 3. Chronic history of neck pain with a new whiplash injury seeking long term compensation and early retirement. The respondents were asked whether or not they agreed or disagreed with fictional expert opinions for each scenario. The questionnaire was distributed to orthopaedic surgeons, accident & emergency doctors, general practitioners and physiotherapists. Results In Scenario 1, half of the respondents believed that after a single whiplash injury with no past history of neck pain a decision of 3 months worth of disability compensation was acceptable. In Scenario 2, 67% of respondents opined that a previous history of whiplash injury makes a patient more susceptible to further soft tissue damage. Finally, in Scenario 3 100% of respondents believe that a decision of 12 years of compensation and early retirement due to his new injury was unjustifiable. Conclusions Our questionnaire revealed that the majority of respondents believe that whiplash injuries are cumulative in nature. They also are of the opinion that chronic neck pain, once settled, does not contribute to subsequent whiplash injury. Conflicts of Interest None Source of Funding None
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