Ten-inch molecular beam epitaxy production system for HgCdTe growth

Growth of Hg1−xCdxTe by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) has been under development since the early 1980s at Rockwell Scientific Company (RSC), formerly the Rockwell Science Center; and we have shown that high-performance and highly reproducible MBE HgCdTe double heterostructure planar p-on-n devices can be produced with high throughput for various single- and multiplecolor infrared applications. In this paper, we present data on Hg1−xCdxTe epitaxial layers grown in a ten-inch production MBE system. For growth of HgCdTe, standard effusion cells containing CdTe and Te were used, in addition to a Hg source. The system is equipped with reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED) and spectral ellipsometry in addition to other fully automated electrical and optical monitoring systems. The HgCdTe heterostructures grown in our large ten-inch Riber 49 MBE system have outstanding structural characteristics with etch-pit densities (EPDs) in the low 104 cm−2 range, Hall carrier concentration in low 1014 cm−3, and void density <1000 cm2. The epilayers were grown on near lattice-matched (211)B Cd0.96Zn0.04Te substrates. High-performance mid wavelength infrared (MWIR) devices were fabricated with R0A values of 7.2×106 Ω-cm2 at 110 K, and the quantum efficiency without an antireflection coating was 71.5% for cutoff wavelength of 5.21 µm at 37 K. For short wavelength infrared (SWIR) devices, an R0A value of 9.4×105 Ω-cm2 at 200 K was obtained and quantum efficiency without an antireflection coating was 64% for cutoff wavelength of 2.61 µm at 37 K. These R0A values are comparable to our trend line values in this temperature range.
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