Manter and Gatz's Essentials of Clinical Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology

Section 1 Basic principles: introduction to the nervous system the physiology of nerve cells. Section 2 The peripheral nervous system: fibers of the spinal nerves spinal reflexes and muscle tone the autonomic nervous system. Section 3 Ascending and descending pathways: pain and temperature proprioception, touch and tactile discrimination the motor pathways lesions of the peripheral nerves, spinal roots and spinal cord. Section 4 Brain stem and cerebellum: organization of the brain stem and cranial nerves cranial nerves of the medulla cranial nerves of the pons and midbrain lesions of the brain stem hearing the vestibular system the cerebellum. Section 5 The forebrain: the basal ganglia vision optic reflexes and eye movements the cerebral cortex and thalamocortical connections the limbic system olfaction chemical neuroanatomy. Section 6 Circulation of blood and cerebrospinal fluid: cerebral arteries supplying the forebrain the cerebrospinal fluid. Section 7 Approaches to patients with neurologic symptoms: clinical evaluation of patients with neurologic disorders neurologic diagnostic tests.
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