Case Report Series and Review of Rare Intradural Extramedullary Neoplasms-Bronchiogenic Cysts.

The congenital malformation known as an intraspinal bronchiogenic cyst is a rare form of endodermal (neurenteric, enterogenous) cyst lined with respiratory tract epithelium. We describe 3 new cases of intradural extramedullary bronchiogenic cyst in the Department of Neurosurgery between the years 2006 and 2014. Three patients were performed resection of intradural extramedullary bronchiogenic cysts and finally symptoms were relieved. Taken together with 10 previous reports identified from a PubMed search, an analysis of 13 cases of intradural bronchiogenic cysts was conducted. The aim of this literature review was to provide information on histopathology, mechanisms of pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, radiographic features, and surgical strategies. Symptoms in spinal bronchiogenic cyst patients primarily depend on the local mass effect of the cyst on the spinal cord. magnetic resonance imaging, together with myelograms and computed tomography scans, is necessary to preoperative evaluation of spinal bronchiogenic cysts. The aim of surgery is total resection, although tight adhesion, ventral and intramedullary locations, and vertebral anomalies make it more challenging.
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