Probable Exit Strategy Against COVID-19 of Low Resource Country like Nepal: Open Floor Discussion

Lockdown is essential for containing the spread of SARS-CoV-2. It is the best measure to maintain extreme social distancing which has been effective in controlling the infection and saving lives. But they are causing huge loss economically, disrupting social life and causing distress around the world. Reopening too quickly or too boldly without a goal-oriented strategy could mean a second wave of infection as fierce or even worse as the first. The fundamentals of the virus remain the same - one infected person will, without a lockdown pass it onto three others on average. The consequences of lifting the lockdown are unforeseeable and the stakes are high. Due to the different spectrum of severity with same strain of virus and uncertainty of post lockdown era, lifting the lockdown will be a trial and error approach. Nevertheless, at some point the lockdown has to be lifted. The strategic approach would be innumerable testing, investigations, strong contact tracing, isolation and follow-up. In a low-income country like Nepal, this will mean negotiating a tricky balance between terminating the spread of SARS-CoV-2, and allowing people to recover their livelihoods before they slip into extreme poverty and anguish.
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